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2722 N. National
Contact: 417-881-8197
There are so many distractions in our lives that often a day off with feet up and a chance to
read the paper or watch a movie seem much more appealing than showering early and getting
dressed to spend an hour in a formal worship setting. Yet in our more unselfish moments we
realize that we are happiest when we are about our Father's business. We are reminded what's
most important in our lives and to our family. Our real rest comes in feeding our spirit with the Holy Spirit.
We are inviting you to come to church and look for that connection you've lost.
We are inviting you to try our community. At Central Community of Christ, we proclaim Jesus Christ,
and promote hope and peace and together we seek joy and share love for each other. We just may be the
peace that is missing in your life. We are sure that you are the piece that is missing in our community.
Our Sunday schedule is
Worship 10:00 AM
About Us
Springfield Central Community of Christ is one of two local church bodies of Community of Christ in Springfield, Missouri.
Community of Christ is an international Christian church with 250,000 members in more than 50 nations. Our world
headquarters, including a Temple dedicated to the pursuit of peace, is located in Independence, Missouri. The church
was organized in 1830 in New York State.
Our Mission:
We proclaim Jesus Christ and promote communities of joy, hope, love and peace.

Sunday Services
10:00 AM
Morning Worship
Special Services and Events
Communion and Worship at 10:00 AM on First Sunday Each Month
Please Contact the Pastor for Details at 417-881-8197